“Islamic Revolution: A Lunge in the Political Vicissitudes of History” (in Farsi) is now on the market


In the name of Allah

“Islamic Revolution: A Lunge in the Political Vicissitudes of History” (in Farsi)
is now on the market
The book, “Islamic Revolution: A Lunge in the Political Vicissitudes of History” is now on the market. The original content of this book were given in the form of lectures by Ayatullah Muhammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi in Tehran’s Friday prayers, and later edited by Mr. Qasem Shaban-niya to be published by Imam Khomeini Institute for Education and Research Press.
This work, containing twenty one parts in four hundred and eighty seven pages, explains the philosophy and source of government, and compares various types of government to the Islamic one to show the reason for the priority of the latter. Major themes dealt with in this book are: Theories about the nature of social vicissitudes, the function of Divine prophets as sources of social movements, the process of such moves and their relation to revelation, human will, and the dichotomy of true-false. We also find passages on the peculiarity, nature, and objective of the prophet’s movement, the source of the theory of democracy in the West, the nature of liberal democracy, the distinctive place of an Islamic government, vulnerabilities of the Islamic Revolution and its social institutions, the role of personal interests in creating corruption, the role of religious teachings in developing right motivations, the role of elites in guiding/misguiding a society, victory factors, and the role of spirituality and unseen helps in the victory of Muslims.
We recommend the reading of this book to all, and especially the youth. All interested can buy this book from representatives of the Imam Khomeini Institute for Education and Research Press for 37000 Rls.

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